
Hello again?

Well... It's been a while since I was here last time.
I left the channel and the blog... After breaks I try to come back with fresh music and new ideas, and I always give up. I can't find any motivation for writing a blog or even simply render a video. I don't know how to grow popularity.

I bet that no one will read this post (but if anyone would, please leave a comment in this lonely place).

Do you have any ideas, how to be more popular? Yeah, fresh music, try to invent something new. Well, it's not that easy. I'm doing my best but you see how it works. Not good.
I'm not giving up on the channel, I still will be uploading new videos (nobody cares).

Recently my channel hit 100 subscribers. After a year. Yay.

I'll try also refresh the blog. I'll write some creative (longer) thematic posts maybe.

As always, have some music (not free, but with adequate title). Have a listen and enjoy.

And happy Easter, of course.

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